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FreeAgent Trademark Usage Agreement

FreeAgent, the FreeAgent logo, and other marks that we use are our trademarks. The appearance, layout, color scheme, and design of the FreeAgent site are part of FreeAgents’s protected trade dress. As laid out in our Acceptable Use Policy, these are FreeAgent’s intellectual property and you may not use them without our prior written permission.

If we think that your use of our property is in violation of any of our legal terms or these Guidelines, or if we feel that your use isn’t in FreeAgent’s best interest, we can revoke your right to use our property at any time.

If you’re looking to link to our site, republish our images, or reference our text content, contact us at for details on content usage guidelines.

What is a Trademark?

A trademark is a word, name, symbol, design, or device (or a combination of these) that identifies the goods or services of a person or company and distinguishes them from the goods or services of others. A trademark assures consumers of consistent quality with respect to those goods or services and aids in their promotion. Unless we grant written permission in a contract or other document, or describe below a permitted use, you may not use any of FreeAgent’s trade dress, media or marketing materials. Even after we grant such permission, we retain the right to modify or revoke such permission at our sole discretion.
If you have questions about these Guidelines as they pertain to trademarks, please contact us at:

Guidelines for Usage of Trademark Material

These Guidelines are not intended to be an exhaustive list of FreeAgent’s rights in its trademarks. FreeAgent reserves all rights to its intellectual property, including rights not expressly described in these Guidelines. Any goodwill derived from your use of any of FreeAgent’s trademarks under license following the Guidelines inures solely to FreeAgent’s benefit.

If you have a business relationship with FreeAgent, you may have received additional Guidelines outlining prohibited and permitted uses of FreeAgent’s trademarks, including written requirements for the size, typeface, colors, and other graphical characteristics according to our branding guide. Any such additional guidelines merely supplement and do not replace these Guidelines.

FreeAgent requires you to abide by these Guidelines as well as all applicable supplementary guidelines and retains the right at all times to modify or revoke any permissions provided in these Guidelines or in relation to these Guidelines. The permissions provided in these Guidelines are provided free of charge. FreeAgent shall not be liable to you for any damages arising out of the use of the FreeAgent’s trademarks —whether direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential,
punitive, exemplary, or otherwise.

Use of the FreeAgent Logo and Trade Dress

Your use of the marks should not suggest any sponsorship or endorsement by FreeAgent Network Inc. This means that you can not place our logo or trade dress on your website unless you receive written permission from us. This also means that you can’t use or register a domain name that incorporates or is similar to our trademarks.

Permitted Use of Trademark

  • You may only use any of FreeAgent’s logos under license or other written permission. If a logo has been assigned to you in writing to designate your business relationship with Freeagent, use of such logo shall strictly comply with the permission granted to you and must remain in compliance with all applicable FreeAgent trademark, and/or logo usage guidelines.
  • When referencing FreeAgent in text, you must distinguish said references from the surrounding text by capitalizing the first letter of the first word, and the first letter of the second word with no space in between either(FreeAgent).
  • Do not shorten or abbreviate any of FreeAgent’s trade dress or reference FreeAgent as plural, possessive or modified form.
  • When you reference FreeAgent’s trademark, if it is primarily intended for a
    U.S. audience or will be distributed through a U.S. website, publication, or trade
    show, include the ® or ™ symbol associated with the mark(s) at issue, as
    appropriate. The ® or ™ symbol only needs to be used on the first or most
    prominent reference to FreeAgent’s trademark. Do not include any symbol after any of
    FreeAgent’s trademarks if your publication is intended for use or distribution
    outside the U.S.

Prohibited Use of Trademark

  • Combining our logo or branding with your logo or promotional materials.
  • Change our logo in any way that is not specified by our brand guidelines.
  • Modify our logo in any way
  • Use of out-of-date versions of our logo.
  • Alter the words or font in our logo or branding.
  • Overlap our logo with any elements or photos.
  • You may not use any trademark or service mark that is likely to be confused with any of FreeAgent’s trademarks in your company’s name, app name, publication title, conference title, website name, domain name, social media handle, or other source-identifying material.
  • You may not display use or incorporate any of FreeAgent’s logos, designs, website content, videos, materials, or any other trademark of FreeAgent on your website, social media forums, marketing, other promotional materials, or otherwise in connection with your products or services without a licensed permission to use FreeAgent trademark materials.
  • You may not use any of FreeAgent’s trademark works in a disparaging way or in any way which dilutes, tarnishes, or conflicts with FreeAgent’s ability to use and/or enforce its trademarks, even if such use is under license.

Updated: June, 2021

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